Virginia Evangelizing Fellowship
How to Plant a Church
Here you can learn more about what it means to be a church planter with the VEF. We offer an incredible amount of support to our planters. If you are interested in planting a church in Virginia, please contact us so we can evaluate how much support we can offer you in this exciting endeavor!
Assessment Center
All church planters attend an assessment center prior to their start on the field. VEF both hosts and participates in the NewChurchNetwork assessment process for church planters to discern their unique call, skills and spiritual gifts. The resulting assessment report guides both the planter and the hiring organization by identifying strengths along with components needing further development.
Project Management Services
A Project Manager for each VEF church plant uses specifically designed church planting software to identify and prioritize the hundreds of tasks necessary for a successful launch. Weekly calls with the Project Manager help the planter to stay on track.
Management Team Support
All VEF church plants have a team of 5-7 experienced ministers from their region chosen to help oversee the project until the first group of elders is installed. Members of this team often come from churches which are major financial contributors to the project. They support, encourage, and hold the planter accountable during the critical first years of a new church.
Funding Network Development
Catalyzing a network of churches and other organizations from the region to provide funds until the project becomes self-supportive, the VEF is also a major contributor. Designated project funds may be received and receipted by the VEF until the new church has its own bank account.
Accounting & Payroll Services
The VEF provides centralized accounting services through the start-up time of 18 to 24 months to ensure that healthy financial systems and policies are in place. The Management Team and the church leaders determine the time for each church to assume these responsibilities.
Staff Services
VEF staff are available for a variety of tasks and support including in-house design and website development, advertising, social media strategy, guest services, and on-site consultation to assist the new church in reaching unchurched people in their community.
After project management services preceding the public launch are completed, the VEF connects the planter with an experienced church planting coach to mentor and guide him toward the goal of a thriving, self-supportive church.